
abagen.relabel_gifti(atlas, background=['unknown', 'corpuscallosum', 'Background+FreeSurfer_Defined_Medial_Wall', '???'], offset=None)[source]

Updates GIFTI images so label IDs are consecutive across hemispheres

  • atlas ((2,) tuple-of-str) – Surface label files in GIFTI format (lh.label.gii, rh.label.gii)

  • background (list-of-str, optional) – If provided, a list of IDs in atlas that should be set to 0 (the presumptive background value). Other IDs will be shifted so they are consecutive (i.e., 0–N). Default: abagen.images.BACKGROUND

  • offset (int, optional) – What the lowest value in atlas[1] should be not including background value. If not specified it will be purely consecutive from atlas[0]. Default: None


relabelled – Re-labelled atlas files

Return type

(2,) tuple-of-nib.gifti.GiftiImage