Source code for abagen.images

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import os

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .datasets import (check_donors, fetch_fsaverage5, fetch_fsnative,
from .samples_ import ONTOLOGY
from .utils import labeltable_to_df, load_gifti, first_entry
from . import matching, transforms

LGR = logging.getLogger('abagen')
    'unknown', 'corpuscallosum',
    'Background+FreeSurfer_Defined_Medial_Wall', '???'

def _reorient_image(image, orientation='RAS'):
    Re-orients `image` to `orientation`

    image : niimg_like
        Image to be re-oriented
    orientation : str or tuple-of-str
        Orientation, drawing from options ('L', 'R')('I', 'S')('P', 'S').
        Default: 'RAS'

    reoriented : niimg_like
        Re-oriented image

    orig_ornt = nib.io_orientation(image.affine)
    targ_ornt = nib.orientations.axcodes2ornt(orientation)
    transform = nib.orientations.ornt_transform(orig_ornt, targ_ornt)
    image = image.as_reoriented(transform)

    return image

[docs]def leftify_atlas(atlas): """ Zeroes out all ROIs in the right hemisphere of volumetric `atlas` Assumes that positive X values indicate the right hemisphere (e.g., RAS+ orientation) and that the X-origin is in the middle of the brain Parameters ---------- atlas : str or niimg-like Filepath to or in-memory loaded image Returns ------- atlas : niimg-like Loaded image with right hemisphere zeroed out """ atlas = check_img(atlas) # get original orientation then orient to RAS+ orient = nib.orientations.ornt2axcodes(nib.io_orientation(atlas.affine)) atlas = _reorient_image(atlas, 'RAS') # get ijk corresponding to zero-point i = np.squeeze(transforms.xyz_to_ijk([0, 0, 0], atlas.affine))[0] # zero out all positive voxels; img is RAS+ so positive = right hemisphere data = np.array(atlas.dataobj, copy=True) data[int(i):] = 0 out = atlas.__class__(data, atlas.affine, header=atlas.header) return _reorient_image(out, orient)
[docs]def annot_to_gifti(atlas): """ Converts FreeSurfer-style annotation file `atlas` to in-memory GIFTI image Parameters ---------- annot : os.PathLike Surface annotation file (.annot) Returns ------- gifti : nib.gifti.GiftiImage Converted gifti image """ labels, ctab, names = nib.freesurfer.read_annot(atlas) darr = nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(labels, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL', datatype='NIFTI_TYPE_INT32') labeltable = nib.gifti.GiftiLabelTable() for key, label in enumerate(names): (r, g, b), a = (ctab[key, :3] / 255), (1.0 if key != 0 else 0.0) glabel = nib.gifti.GiftiLabel(key, r, g, b, a) glabel.label = label.decode() labeltable.labels.append(glabel) return nib.GiftiImage(darrays=[darr], labeltable=labeltable)
def _relabel(labels, minval=0, bgval=None): """ Relabels `labels` so that they're consecutive Parameters ---------- labels : (N,) array_like Labels to be re-labelled minval : int, optional What the new minimum value of the labels should be. Default: 0 bgval : int, optional What the background value should be; the new labels will start at `minval` but the first value of these labels (i.e., labels == `minval`) will be set to `bgval`. Default: None Returns ------ labels : (N,) np.ndarray New labels """ labels = np.unique(labels, return_inverse=True)[-1] + minval if bgval is not None: labels[labels == minval] = bgval return labels
[docs]def relabel_gifti(atlas, background=BACKGROUND, offset=None): """ Updates GIFTI images so label IDs are consecutive across hemispheres Parameters ---------- atlas : (2,) tuple-of-str Surface label files in GIFTI format (lh.label.gii, rh.label.gii) background : list-of-str, optional If provided, a list of IDs in `atlas` that should be set to 0 (the presumptive background value). Other IDs will be shifted so they are consecutive (i.e., 0--N). Default: `abagen.images.BACKGROUND` offset : int, optional What the lowest value in `atlas[1]` should be not including background value. If not specified it will be purely consecutive from `atlas[0]`. Default: None Returns ------- relabelled : (2,) tuple-of-nib.gifti.GiftiImage Re-labelled `atlas` files """ out = tuple() minval = 0 for hemi in atlas: # get necessary info from file img = load_gifti(hemi) data = img.agg_data() labels = img.labeltable.labels lt = {v: k for k, v in img.labeltable.get_labels_as_dict().items()} # get rid of labels we want to drop if background is not None: for val in background: idx = lt.get(val, 0) if idx == 0: continue data[data == idx] = 0 labels = [f for f in labels if f.key != idx] # reset labels so they're consecutive and update label keys data = _relabel(data, minval=minval, bgval=0) ids = np.unique(data) for n, i in enumerate(ids): labels[n].key = i minval = len(ids) - 1 if offset is None else int(offset) - 1 # make new gifti image with updated information darr = nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(data, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL', datatype='NIFTI_TYPE_INT32') labeltable = nib.gifti.GiftiLabelTable() labeltable.labels = labels img = nib.GiftiImage(darrays=[darr], labeltable=labeltable) out += (img,) return out
def check_img(img): """ Very basic checker that loads `img`` and ensures it's 3D/int Parameters -------- img : str or niimg-like Filepath to or in-memory loaded image Returns ------- img : niimg-like Loaded 3D/int image """ if isinstance(img, (str, os.PathLike)) and os.path.exists(img): img = nib.load(img) elif not isinstance(img, nib.spatialimages.SpatialImage): raise TypeError('Provided image must be an existing filepath or a ' 'pre-loaded niimg-like object') # ensure 3D or squeezable to 3D img = nib.funcs.squeeze_image(img) if len(img.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Provided image must be 3D') # check if atlas data is int or castable to int # if image is arrayproxy convert it to an array for speed-up data = np.asarray(img.dataobj) cast = nib.is_proxy(img.dataobj) if img.header.get_data_dtype().kind not in ['i', 'u']: idata = data.astype('int32') cast = np.allclose(idata, data) data = idata if not cast: raise ValueError('Provided image should have integer values or ' 'be safely castable to int without data loss') if cast: img = img.__class__(data, img.affine, header=img.header) img.header.set_data_dtype(np.int32) return img def check_surface(atlas): """ Very basic checker that loads provided surface `atlas` Parameters ---------- atlas : (2,) tuple Surface files in GIFTI format (lh, rh) Returns ------- atlas : (N,) np.ndarray Loaded parcellation information from provided `atlas` atlas_info : pd.DataFrame or None If provided `atlas` files have valid GIFTI label tables then this will be a dataframe with information about the loaded parcellation; if not, this value will be None """ # if we're not dealing with a len-2 tuple of GIFTI, check if it's a single # string (and barf) or just return it (hoping that it's array_like) if len(atlas) != 2: if isinstance(atlas, (str, os.PathLike)): raise TypeError('Must provide a tuple of surface atlases') return atlas, None for img in atlas: if (not isinstance(img, nib.GiftiImage) and not (img.endswith('.gii') or img.endswith('.gii.gz'))): raise TypeError('Provided surface atlases must be in GIFTI format') adata, labs = [], [] for hemi in atlas: hemi = load_gifti(hemi) data = np.squeeze(hemi.agg_data()) if data.ndim > 1: raise ValueError('Provided GIFTIs must have only a single, vector ' 'data array') # if data aren't integer then they might not be a parcellation. # check that they're safely castable and, if so, use the casted int if data.dtype.char not in ('i'): idata = data.astype('int32') if np.allclose(idata, data): data = idata else: raise ValueError('Provided GIFTIs do not seem to be valid ' 'label.gii files') adata.append(data) ldict = hemi.labeltable.get_labels_as_dict() labs.append({k: ldict.get(k) for k in np.unique(data)}) # we need each hemisphere to have unique values so they don't get averaged # check to see if the two hemispheres have more than 1 overlapping value # (assume exactly one for a background value of 0 for e.g., medial wall) offset = len(np.intersect1d(*adata)) if offset > 1: offset = len(np.unique(adata)) adata[1] += offset labs[1] = {k + offset: v for k, v in labs[1].items()} adata = np.hstack(adata) atlas_info = labeltable_to_df(labs) return adata, atlas_info
[docs]def check_atlas(atlas, atlas_info=None, geometry=None, space=None, donor=None, data_dir=None): """ Checks that `atlas` is a valid atlas Parameters ---------- atlas : niimg-like object or (2,) tuple-of-GIFTI Parcellation image or surface, where voxels / vertices belonging to a given parcel are identified with a unique integer ID atlas_info : {os.PathLike, pandas.DataFrame, None}, optional Filepath or dataframe containing information about `atlas`. Must have at least columns ['id', 'hemisphere', 'structure'] containing information mapping `atlas` IDs to hemisphere (i.e., "L", "R", "B") and broad structural class (i.e.., "cortex", "subcortex/brainstem", "cerebellum", "white matter", or "other"). Default: None geometry : (2,) tuple-of-GIFTI, optional Surfaces files defining geometry of `atlas`, if `atlas` is a tuple of GIFTI images. Default: None space : {'fsaverage', 'fsnative', 'fslr'}, optional If `geometry` is supplied, what space files are in. Default: None donor : str, optional If specified, indicates which donor the specified `atlas` belongs to. Only relevant when `atlas` is surface-based, to ensure the correct geometry files are fetched. Default: None (i.e., group-level atlas) data_dir : str, optional Directory where donor-specific FreeSurfer data should be downloaded and unpacked. Only used if provided `donor` is not None. Default: $HOME/ abagen-data Returns ------- atlas : :obj:`abagen.AtlasTree` AtlasTree object with information about `atlas` and functionality for labelling coordinates """ if isinstance(atlas, matching.AtlasTree): if atlas_info is not None: atlas.atlas_info = atlas_info return atlas try: atlas = check_img(atlas) coords = triangles = None except TypeError: atlas, info = check_surface(atlas) # backwards compatibility for `donor` keyword if geometry is None and donor is None: geometry = fetch_fsaverage5() space = 'fsaverage5' elif geometry is None and donor is not None: geometry = fetch_fsnative(donor, data_dir=data_dir) space = 'fsnative' elif geometry is not None and space is None: raise ValueError('If providing geometry files space parameter ' 'must be specified') coords, triangles = check_geometry(geometry, space, donor=donor, data_dir=data_dir) if atlas_info is None and info is not None: atlas_info = info atlas = matching.AtlasTree(atlas, coords=coords, triangles=triangles) if atlas_info is not None: atlas.atlas_info = atlas_info return atlas
def check_geometry(surface, space, donor=None, data_dir=None): """ Loads geometry `surface` files and transforms coordinates in `space` Parameters ---------- surface : (2,) tuple-of-GIFTI Surface geometry files in GIFTI format (lh, rh) space : {'fsaverage', 'fsnative', 'fslr'} What space `surface` files are in; used to apply appropriate transform to MNI152 space. If 'fsnative' then `donor` must be supplied as well donor : str, optional If specified, indicates which donor the specified `surface` belongs to data_dir : str, optional Directory where donor-specific FreeSurfer data exists (or should be downloaded and unpacked). Only used if provided `donor` is not None. Default: $HOME/abagen-data Returns ------- coords : (N, 3) np.ndarray Coordinates from `surface` files triangles : (T, 3) np.ndarray Triangles from `surface` files """ if len(surface) != 2: raise TypeError('Must provide a tuple of geometry files') # fsaverage5, fsaverage6, etc if 'fsaverage' in space and space != 'fsaverage': space = 'fsaverage' space_opts = ('fsaverage', 'fsnative', 'fslr') if space not in space_opts: raise ValueError(f'Provided space must be one of {space_opts}.') if space == 'fsnative' and donor is None: raise ValueError('Specified space is "fsnative" but no donor ID ' 'supplied') try: coords, triangles = map(list, zip(*[ load_gifti(img).agg_data() for img in surface ])) except TypeError: coords, triangles = map(list, zip(*[i for i in surface])) triangles[-1] += coords[0].shape[0] coords, triangles = np.row_stack(coords), np.row_stack(triangles) if space == 'fsaverage': coords = transforms.fsaverage_to_mni152(coords) elif space == 'fsnative': coords = transforms.fsnative_to_xyz(coords, donor, data_dir=data_dir) return coords, triangles def check_atlas_info(atlas_info, labels): """ Checks whether provided `atlas_info` is correct format for processing Parameters ---------- atlas_info : str or pandas.DataFrame Filepath or dataframe containing information about atlas. Must have at least columns 'id', 'hemisphere', and 'structure' containing information mapping atlas IDs to hemisphere (i.e., "L", "R", "B") and broad structural class (i.e.., "cortex", "subcortex/brainstem", "cerebellum", "white matter", or "other"). labels : array_like List of parcel IDs that should be present in `atlas_info` Returns ------- atlas_info : pandas.DataFrame Loaded dataframe with information on atlas """ valid_structures = list(ONTOLOGY.value_set('structure')) hemi_swap = { 'lh': 'L', 'LH': 'L', 'l': 'L', 'left': 'L', 'rh': 'R', 'RH': 'R', 'r': 'R', 'right': 'R', 'bilateral': 'B' } struct_swap = { 'subcortex': 'subcortex/brainstem', 'brainstem': 'subcortex/brainstem' } expected_cols = ['hemisphere', 'structure'] # load info, if not already if not isinstance(atlas_info, pd.DataFrame): try: atlas_info = pd.read_csv(atlas_info) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass try: atlas_info = atlas_info.copy() if 'id' in atlas_info.columns: atlas_info = atlas_info.set_index('id') except AttributeError: raise TypeError('Provided `atlas_info` must be a filepath or pandas.' 'DataFrame. Please confirm inputs and try again.') try: assert all(c in atlas_info.columns for c in expected_cols) assert 'id' == assert len(np.setdiff1d(labels, atlas_info.index)) == 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError('Provided `atlas_info` does not have adequate ' 'information on all `labels`. Please confirm ' 'that atlas_info has columns [\'id\', ' '\'hemisphere\', \'structure\'], and that the region ' 'IDs listed in `atlas_info` account for all those ' 'found in atlas.') try: atlas_info['hemisphere'] = atlas_info['hemisphere'].replace(hemi_swap) hemi_diff = np.setdiff1d(atlas_info['hemisphere'], ['L', 'R', 'B']) assert len(hemi_diff) == 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError('Provided `atlas_info` has invalid values in the' '\'hemisphere\' column. Only the following values ' 'are allowed: {}. Invalid value(s): {}' .format(['L', 'R', 'B'], hemi_diff)) try: atlas_info['structure'] = atlas_info['structure'].replace(struct_swap) struct_diff = np.setdiff1d(atlas_info['structure'], valid_structures) assert len(struct_diff) == 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError('Provided `atlas_info` has invalid values in the' '\'structure\' column. Only the following values are ' 'allowed: {}. Invalid value(s): {}' .format(valid_structures, struct_diff)) return atlas_info def coerce_atlas_to_dict(atlas, donors, atlas_info=None, data_dir=None): """ Coerces `atlas` to dict with keys `donors` If already a dictionary, confirms that `atlas` has entries for all values in `donors` Parameters ---------- atlas : niimg-like object A parcellation image in MNI space, where each parcel is identified by a unique integer ID donors : array_like Donors that should have entries in returned `atlas` dictionary atlas_info : os.PathLike or pandas.DataFrame, optional Filepath to or pre-loaded dataframe containing information about `atlas`. Must have at least columns 'id', 'hemisphere', and 'structure' containing information mapping atlas IDs to hemisphere (i.e, "L", "R") and broad structural class (i.e., "cortex", "subcortex/brainstem", "cerebellum"). If provided, this will constrain matching of tissue samples to regions in `atlas`. Default: None data_dir : str, optional Directory where data should be downloaded and unpacked. Only used if provided `atlas` is a dictionary of surface files. Default: $HOME/ abagen-data Returns ------- atlas : dict Dict where keys are `donors` and values are `atlas`. If a dict was provided it is checked to ensure group_atlas : bool Whether one atlas was provided for all donors (True) instead of donor-specific atlases (False) """ donors = check_donors(donors) group_atlas = True try: atlas = { WELL_KNOWN_IDS.subj[donor]: check_atlas(atl, atlas_info, donor=donor, data_dir=data_dir) for donor, atl in atlas.items() } # if it's a group atlas they should all be the same object base = first_entry(atlas) group_atlas = all(base is atl for atl in atlas.values()) missing = set(donors) - set(atlas) if len(missing) > 0: raise ValueError('Provided `atlas` does not have entry for all ' f'requested donors. Missing donors: {donors}.') except AttributeError: atlas = check_atlas(atlas, atlas_info) atlas = {donor: atlas for donor in donors} if group_atlas:'Group-level atlas provided; using MNI coords for ' 'tissue samples') else:'Donor-specific atlases provided; using native coords for ' 'tissue samples') # update group atlas status based on what was decided / derived for atl in atlas.values(): atl.group_atlas = group_atlas return atlas, group_atlas