
abagen.fetch_desikan_killiany(native=False, surface=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Fetches Desikan-Killiany atlas shipped with abagen

  • native (bool, optional) – Whether to return individualized atlases in donor native space. Default: False

  • surface (bool, optional) – Whether to return surface instead of volumetric parcellation. This option is currently incompatible with native=True; instead, refer to abagen.datasets.fetch_freesurfer() for donor-specific surface atlases. Default: False


atlas – Dictionary with keys [‘image’, ‘info’] pointing to atlas image and information files. If native then ‘image’ is a dictionary where keys are donor IDs and values are image paths. If surface then ‘image’ is a tuple of GIFTI files (.label.gii.gz)

Return type



Desikan, R. S., Ségonne, F., Fischl, B., Quinn, B. T., Dickerson, B. C., Blacker, D., … & Albert, M. S. (2006). An automated labeling system for subdividing the human cerebral cortex on MRI scans into gyral based regions of interest. Neuroimage, 31(3), 968-980.


>>> import abagen
>>> atlas = abagen.fetch_desikan_killiany()
>>> print(atlas['image'])  
>>> print(atlas['info'])  

When fetching native-space atlases, atlas[‘image’] will be a dictionary where the keys are donor IDs and the values are paths to the donor-specific atlases:

>>> atlas = abagen.fetch_desikan_killiany(native=True)
>>> print(atlas['image'].keys())
dict_keys(['9861', '10021', '12876', '14380', '15496', '15697'])
>>> print(atlas['image']['9861'])  