
abagen.datasets.fetch_fsnative(donors, surf='pial', load=True, data_dir=None, resume=True, verbose=1)[source]

Fetches and optionally loads fsnative surface of donor

  • donors (str or list-of-str) – Donor(s) to download; can be either donor number or UID. Can also specify ‘all’ to download all available donors.

  • surf ({'orig', 'white', 'pial', 'inflated', 'sphere'}, optional) – Which surface to load. Default: ‘pial’

  • load (bool, optional) – Whether to pre-load files. Default: True

  • data_dir (str, optional) – Directory where data should be downloaded and unpacked. Default: $HOME/ abagen-data

  • resume (bool, optional) – Whether to resume download of a partly-downloaded file. Default: True

  • verbose (int, optional) – Verbosity level (0 means no message). Default: 1


brain – If load is True, a namedtuple where each entry in the tuple is a hemisphere, represented as a namedtuple with fields (‘vertices’, ‘faces’). If load is False, a namedtuple where entries are filepaths. If multiple donors are requested a dictionary is returned where keys are donor IDs.

Return type

namedtuple (‘lh’, ‘rh’)