Source code for abagen.matching

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Structures and functions used for matching samples to atlas

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree, distance_matrix

from . import io, transforms, surfaces

[docs]class AtlasTree: """ Representation of a parcellation as a cKDtree for NN lookups Parameters ---------- atlas : (N,) niimg-like object or array_like Volumetric (niimg-like) or array of parcellation labels. If providing an array you must provide `coords` as well coords : (N, D) array_like, optional Coordinates representing points in `atlas`. If provided it is assumed that `atlas` is a surface representation (i.e., if `atlas` is volumetric simply provide a niimg-like object and the coordinates will be derived from the data). Default: None triangles : (F, 3) array_like, optional If `coords` are derived from a surface mesh, this array contains the indices of the nodes comprising the mesh triangles. Default: None atlas_info : {os.PathLike, pandas.DataFrame, None}, optional Filepath or dataframe containing information about `atlas`. Must have at least columns ['id', 'hemisphere', 'structure'] containing information mapping `atlas` IDs to hemisphere (i.e., "L" or "R") and broad structural class (i.e.., "cortex", "subcortex/brainstem", "cerebellum", "white matter", or "other"). Default: None group_atlas : bool, optional Whether the provided `atlas` is a group atlas (in MNI space) or a donor-level atlas (in native space). This will have an impact on how provided sample coordinates are handled. Default: True """ def __init__(self, atlas, coords=None, *, triangles=None, atlas_info=None, group_atlas=True): from .images import check_img self._full_coords = self._graph = None try: # let's first check if it's an image atlas = check_img(atlas) atlas, affine = np.asarray(atlas.dataobj), atlas.affine if coords is not None: warnings.warn('Volumetric image supplied to `AtlasTree` ' 'constructor but `coords` is not None. Ignoring ' 'supplied `coords` and using coordinates ' 'derived from image.') self._shape = atlas.shape self._volumetric = tuple() vox = affine[:-1, :-1][np.where(affine[:-1, :-1])] # TODO: oblique for vs, off, ndim in zip(vox, affine[:-1, -1], self._shape): self._volumetric += (np.arange(off, off + (vs * ndim), vs),) nz = atlas.nonzero() atlas, coords = atlas[nz], transforms.ijk_to_xyz(np.c_[nz], affine) except TypeError: atlas = np.asarray(atlas) self._full_coords = coords if coords is None: raise ValueError('When providing a surface atlas you must ' 'also supply relevant geometry `coords`.') if len(atlas) != len(coords): raise ValueError('Provided `atlas` and `coords` are of ' 'differing length.') self._volumetric = None self._shape = atlas.shape nz = atlas.nonzero() atlas, coords = atlas[nz], coords[nz] self._nz = nz self._tree = cKDTree(coords) self._atlas = np.asarray(atlas) self._labels = np.unique(self.atlas).astype(int) self._centroids = get_centroids(self.atlas, coords) # if not volumetric tree then centroid should be _on_ surface if self._volumetric is None: centroids = np.r_[list(self._centroids.values())] _, idx = self.tree.query(centroids, k=1) self._centroids = dict(zip(self.labels, self.coords[idx])) self.atlas_info = atlas_info self.triangles = triangles self.group_atlas = group_atlas def __repr__(self): if self.volumetric: suff = f'n_voxel={self.tree.n}' else: suff = f'n_vertex={self.tree.n}' return f'{self.__class__.__name__}' \ f'[n_rois={self.labels.shape[0]}, {suff}]' @property def tree(self): """ Returns cKDTree constructed from provided atlas and coordinates """ return self._tree @property def atlas(self): """ Returns values of provided atlas """ return self._atlas @property def volumetric(self): """ Return whether `self.atlas` is derived from a volumetric image """ return self._volumetric is not None @property def labels(self): """ Returns unique labels in atlas """ return self._labels @property def centroids(self): """ Return centroids of parcels in `self.atlas` """ return self._centroids @property def graph(self): """ Returns graph of underlying parcellation """ return self._graph @property def coords(self): """ Returns coordinates of underlying cKDTree """ return @coords.setter def coords(self, pts): """ Sets underlying cKDTree to represent provided `pts` """ pts = np.asarray(pts) if pts.shape[0] != self.atlas.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Provided coordinates do not match length of ' 'current atlas. Expected {}. Received {}' .format(len(self.atlas), len(pts))) if not np.allclose(pts, self.coords): self._tree = cKDTree(pts) self._centroids = get_centroids(self.atlas, pts) # update graph with new coordinates (if relevant) self.triangles = self.triangles @property def triangles(self): """ Returns triangles of underlying graph (if applicable) """ return self._triangles @triangles.setter def triangles(self, tris): """ Sets triangles of underlying graph (if applicable) """ if self.volumetric or tris is None: self._triangles = None return tris = np.asarray(tris) atlas = np.zeros(self._shape) atlas[self._nz] = self.atlas if np.any(tris.max(axis=0) >= self._full_coords.shape[0]): raise ValueError('Cannot provide triangles with indices greater ' 'than tree coordinate array') self._triangles = tris self._graph = surfaces.make_surf_graph( self._full_coords, self._triangles, atlas == 0 )[self._nz].T[self._nz].T @property def atlas_info(self): """ Returns atlas info dataframe, if it exists """ return self._atlas_info @atlas_info.setter def atlas_info(self, info): """ Sets atlas info dataframe """ from .images import check_atlas_info if info is not None: self._atlas_info = check_atlas_info(info, self.labels) else: self._atlas_info = info
[docs] def label_samples(self, annotation, tolerance=2): """ Matches all samples in `annotation` to parcels in `self.atlas` Attempts to place each sample provided in `annotation` into a parcel in `self.atlas`. If `self.volumetric` is True, this function tries to best match samples in `annotation` to parcels in `self.atlas` by: 1. Determining if the sample falls directly within a parcel, 2. Checking to see if there are nearby parcels by slowly expanding the search space to include nearby voxels, up to a specified distance (specified via the `tolerance` parameter), 3. Assigning the sample to the closest parcel if there are multiple nearby parcels, where closest is determined by the parcel centroid. If at any step a sample can be assigned to a parcel the matching process is terminated. If there is still no parcel for a given sample after this process the sample is provided a label of 0. On the other hand, if `self.volumetric` is False, then samples are simply matched to the nearest coordinate in `self.atlas`. Once matched, `tolerance` is treated as a standard deviation threshold. That is, all samples are matched to the nearest vertex, and then samples whose distance to the nearest vertex are more than `tolerance` s.d. above the mean distance for all samples are assigned a label of 0. Parameters ---------- annotation : (S, 3) array_like At a minimum, an array of XYZ coordinates must be provided. If a full annotation dataframe is provided, then information from the data frame (i.e., on hemisphere + structural assignments of tissue samples) is used to constrain matching of regions. tolerance : float, optional Threshold for assigning samples to parcels. Default: 2 Returns ------- labels : (S, 1) pandas.DataFrame Dataframe with parcel labels for each of `S` samples """ try: samples = io.read_annotation(annotation, copy=True) except TypeError: samples = pd.DataFrame(np.atleast_2d(annotation), columns=['mni_x', 'mni_y', 'mni_z']) if not self.volumetric: samples['structure'] = 'cortex' if self.volumetric: if self.group_atlas: # floor sample MNI coordinates to the grid of the atlas for n, col in enumerate(['mni_x', 'mni_y', 'mni_z']): idx = np.sort(self._volumetric[n]) samples[col] = idx[np.searchsorted(idx, samples[col]) - 1] labels = self._match_volume(samples, abs(tolerance)) else: cortex = samples['structure'] == 'cortex' labels = np.zeros(len(samples)) labels[cortex] = self._match_surface(samples[cortex], tolerance) return pd.DataFrame(labels, dtype=int, columns=['label'], index=samples.index)
def _match_surface(self, samples, tolerance): """ Matches samples in `annotation` to labels in surface `self.atlas` Assumes atlas is in `fsaverage5` space Parameters ---------- samples : (S, 13) pandas.DataFrame Annotation information for a given AHBA donor tolerance : int, optional Threshold for assigning samples to parcels (see Notes). Default: 2 Returns ------- labels : (S,) np.ndarray Parcel labels for all provided `samples` Notes ----- All samples are matched to the nearest vertex, and then samples whose distance to the nearest vertex are more than `tolerance` s.d. above the mean distance computed across all matched samples are unassigned. """ dist, idx = self.tree.query(samples[['mni_x', 'mni_y', 'mni_z']], k=1) labels = self.atlas[idx] if self.atlas_info is not None: labels = _check_label(labels, samples, self.atlas_info) if tolerance < 0: mask = dist > -tolerance else: if len(labels) > 1: with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): mask = dist > dist.mean() + (dist.std(ddof=1) * tolerance) else: mask = np.zeros(len(labels), dtype=bool) labels[mask] = 0 return labels def _match_volume(self, samples, tolerance): """ Matches samples in `annotation` to labels in volumetric `self.atlas` Parameters ---------- samples : (S, 13) pandas.DataFrame Annotation information for a given AHBA donor tolerance : int, optional Threshold for assigning samples to parcels (see Notes). Default: 2 Returns ------ labels : (S,) np.ndarray Parcel labels for all provided `samples` Notes ----- The provided `threshold` is used as a mm cutoff; that is, samples that do not fall w/i a `tolerance` mm radius of any parcel are not assigned. """ cols = ['mni_x', 'mni_y', 'mni_z'] tol, labels = 0, np.zeros(len(samples)) idx = np.ones(len(samples), dtype=bool) while tol <= tolerance and np.sum(idx) > 0: subsamp = samples.loc[idx] matches = self.tree.query_ball_point(subsamp[cols], tol) labs = np.zeros(len(subsamp)) for n, match in enumerate(matches): if len(match) > 0: labs[n] = self._assign_sample(self.atlas[match], subsamp.iloc[[n]]) labels[idx] = labs idx = labels == 0 tol += 1 return labels def _assign_sample(self, possible, sample): """ Determines which parcel `sample` belongs to amongst `possible` labels Parameters ---------- possible : list-of-int Potential labels for `sample` sample_info : pandas.DataFrame A single row of an `annotation` file Returns ------- label : int Chosen label of `sample` """ labels, counts = np.unique(possible, return_counts=True) # if atlas_info and sample_info are provided, drop potential labels who # don't match hemisphere or structural class defined in `sample_info` if self.atlas_info is not None: possible = _check_label(labels, sample, self.atlas_info) labels, counts = np.unique(possible[possible.nonzero()], return_counts=True) # if all the labels are now zero, c'est la vie if labels.size == 0: return 0 # if there is only one ROI in the vicinity, use that elif labels.size == 1: return labels[0] # if more than one ROI in the vicinity, return the most frequent indmax, = np.where(counts == counts.max()) if indmax.size == 1: return labels[indmax[0]] # if two or more parcels tied for neighboring frequency, use ROI # with closest centroid to `coords` coords = sample[['mni_x', 'mni_y', 'mni_z']] centroids = np.row_stack([self.centroids[lab] for lab in labels]) return labels[closest_centroid(coords, centroids)]
[docs] def match_closest_centroids(self, annotation, return_dist=False): """ Matches samples in `annotation` to closest centroids in `self.atlas` Parameters ---------- annotation : (S, 3) array_like At a minimum, an array of XYZ coordinates must be provided. If a full annotation dataframe is provided, then information from the data frame (i.e., on hemisphere + structural assignments of tissue samples) is used to constrain matching of regions (if `self.atlas_info` is not None). return_dist : bool, optional Whether to also return distance to matched centroids Returns ------- labels : (S,) np.ndarray ID of parcel with closest centroid to samples in `annotation` distance : (S,) np.ndarray Distances of matched centroid to samples in `annotation`. Only returned if `return_dist=True` """ cols = ['mni_x', 'mni_y', 'mni_z'] try: samples = io.read_annotation(annotation, copy=True) except TypeError: samples = pd.DataFrame(np.atleast_2d(annotation), columns=cols) missing_info = any(col not in samples.columns for col in ('structure', 'hemisphere')) if self.atlas_info is None or missing_info: centroids = np.r_[list(self.centroids.values())] match, distances = closest_centroid(samples[cols], centroids, return_dist=True) labels = np.asarray(list(self.centroids.keys()))[match] else: labels = np.full(len(samples), -1, dtype=int) distances = np.full(len(samples), np.inf) gb = samples.groupby(['structure', 'hemisphere']) for (struct, hemi), idx in gb.groups.items(): same = self.atlas_info.query( f'hemisphere == "{hemi}" & structure == "{struct}"' ).index if len(same) == 0: continue centroids = np.r_[[self.centroids[lab] for lab in same]] match, dist = closest_centroid(samples.loc[idx, cols], centroids, return_dist=True) iloc = np.isin(samples.index, idx) labels[iloc], distances[iloc] = same[match], dist if return_dist: return labels, distances return labels
[docs] def fill_label(self, annotation, label, return_dist=False): """ Assigns a sample in `annotation` to every node of `label` in atlas Parameters ---------- annotation : (S, 3) array_like At a minimum, an array of XYZ coordinates must be provided. If a full annotation dataframe is provided, then information from the data frame (i.e., on hemisphere + structural assignments of tissue samples) is used to constrain matching of samples (if `self.atlas_info` is not None). label : int Which label in `self.atlas` should be filled return_dist : bool, optional Whether to also return distance to mapped samples Returns ------- samples : (L,) np.ndarray ID of sample mapped to all `L` nodes in `label` of atlas distance : (L,) np.ndarray Distances of matched samples to nodes in `label`. Only returned if `return_dist=True` """ cols = ['mni_x', 'mni_y', 'mni_z'] try: samples = io.read_annotation(annotation, copy=True) except TypeError: samples = pd.DataFrame(np.atleast_2d(annotation), columns=cols) missing_info = any(col not in samples.columns for col in ('structure', 'hemisphere')) # assign samples to nearest node (i.e., vertex / voxel) dist, idx = self.tree.query(samples[cols], k=1) # now get distance between `label` nodes and assigned sample nodes idxs, = np.where(self.atlas == label) if not self.volumetric and self._graph is not None: dist = surfaces.get_graph_distance(self._graph, nodes=idxs)[:, idx] else: dist = distance_matrix(self.coords[idxs], self.coords[idx]) # check if matched samples and nodes are compatible if self.atlas_info is not None: labels = _check_label(self.atlas[idx], samples, self.atlas_info) dist[:, labels == 0] = np.inf # check if specified label is compatible w/nodes of matched samples if not missing_info: sh = ['structure', 'hemisphere'] match = self.atlas_info.loc[label, sh] != samples[sh] dist[:, np.asarray(np.any(match, axis=1))] = np.inf # get closest samples to each node of label closest = dist.argmin(axis=1) samples = samples.index[closest] if return_dist: return samples, dist[range(len(dist)), closest] return samples
def _check_label(label, sample_info, atlas_info): """ Checks that `label` defined by `sample_info` is coherent with `atlas_info` Non-matching labels are re-assigned a value of 0 Parameters ---------- label : int or array_like Tenative label(s) for sample(s) described by `sample_info` sample_info : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame Row(s) of an `annotation` file, corresponding to the given `label` atlas_info : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing information about the atlas of interest. Must have at least columns ['id', 'hemisphere', 'structure'] containing information mapping atlas IDs to hemisphere and broad structural class Returns ------- label : np.ndarray New label(s) for sample(s) """ cols = ['hemisphere', 'structure'] label = np.atleast_1d(label) if len(sample_info) != len(label): sample_info = pd.concat([sample_info] * len(label)) try: ai = atlas_info.loc[label, cols] drop = np.zeros_like(label, dtype=bool) # only compare structure for bilateral ROIs mask = np.asarray(ai['hemisphere'] == "B") drop[mask] = (np.asarray(atlas_info.loc[ai[mask].index, 'structure']) != np.asarray(sample_info.loc[mask, 'structure'])) # but compare hemisphere + structure for L/R ROIs mask = np.logical_not(mask) drop[mask] = np.any(np.asarray(atlas_info.loc[ai[mask].index, cols]) != np.asarray(sample_info.loc[mask, cols]), axis=1) label[drop] = 0 except KeyError: pass return label
[docs]def get_centroids(data, coordinates, labels=None): """ Finds centroids of `data` in `coordinates` space Parameters ---------- data : (N,) array_like Data labelling all `N` points in `coordinates` coordinates : (N, D) array_like Coordinates of `data` array labels : array_like, optional List of values containing labels of which to find centroids. Default: all possible labels in `data` Returns ------- centroids : dict Where keys are labels and values are centroids """ data, coordinates = np.asarray(data), np.atleast_2d(coordinates) if labels is None: labels = np.trim_zeros(np.unique(data)) centroids = np.zeros((len(labels), coordinates.shape[-1])) for n, lab in enumerate(labels): centroids[n] = coordinates[data == lab].mean(axis=0) return dict(zip(labels, centroids))
[docs]def closest_centroid(coords, centroids, return_dist=False): """ Returns index of `centroids` closest to `coords` (Euclidean distance) Parameters ---------- coord : (S, 3) array_like Coordinates of samples centroids : (N, 3) array_like Centroids of parcels return_dist : bool, optional Whether to also return distance of closest centroid Returns ------- closest : (S,) np.ndarray Indices of closest centroid in `centroids` to `coords` distance : (S,) np.ndarray Distances of closest centroid in `centroids` to `coords`. Only returned if `return_dist=True` """ coords, centroids = np.atleast_2d(coords), np.atleast_2d(centroids) distances = distance_matrix(coords, centroids) closest = distances.argmin(axis=1) if return_dist: return closest, distances[range(len(closest)), closest] return closest