Source code for abagen.correct

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions for processing and correcting gene expression data

import functools
import itertools
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as sstats
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from . import images, utils

def _unpack_tuple(var):
    Returns first entry of var if there is only one entry

    var : tuple


    if len(var) == 1:
        return var[0]
    return var

def _batch_correct(data):
    Performs batch correction on `data`

    data : list of (S, G) pandas.DataFrame
        Microarray expression data, where `S` is samples (or regions) and `G`
        is genes

    residualized : list of (S, G) pandas.DataFrame
        Batch-corrected microarray expression data

    if len(data) < 2:
        raise ValueError('Cannot perform batch correction with one batch.')

    # need to drop NaNs or the lstsq fit will choke
    data = [np.asarray(f) for f in data]
    data = [f[np.logical_not(np.all(np.isnan(f), axis=1))] for f in data]

    # generate donor label / "batch" array
    n_samp = [len(d) for d in data]
    batch = np.repeat(range(len(data)), n_samp)
    batch = np.column_stack([batch == f for f in np.unique(batch)]).astype(int)
    # add intercept for fit (but we won't regress this out)
    batch = np.column_stack([batch, np.ones(len(batch), dtype=int)])

    # fit least squares and residualize
    raw = np.row_stack(data)
    betas = np.linalg.lstsq(batch, raw, rcond=None)[0]
    resid = raw - (batch[:, :-1] @ betas[:-1])
    residualized = np.split(resid, np.cumsum(n_samp)[:-1])

    return residualized

def _rescale(data, low=0, high=1, axis=0):
    Rescales `data` to range [`low`, `high`]

    data : array_like
        Input data array to be rescaled
    low : float, optional
        Lower bound for rescaling. Default: 0
    high : float, optional
        Upper bound for rescaling. Default: 1
    axis : int, optional
        Axis of `data` to scale along. Default: 0

    rescaled : np.ndarray
        Rescaled data

    data = np.asanyarray(data)

    dmin = data.min(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    dmax = data.max(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    rescaled = ((data - dmin) / (dmax - dmin)) * (high - low) + low

    return rescaled

def _sigmoid(data, axis=0):
    Normalizes `data` with a standard sigmoid function

    data : array_like
        Input data array to be transformed
    axis : int, optional
        Axis of `data` to be normalized

    normed : array_like
        Normalized input `data`

    data = np.asanyarray(data)

    mean = np.mean(data, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    std = np.std(data, ddof=1, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    normed = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(np.asarray(data) - mean) / std))

    return normed

def _scaledsig(data, low=0, high=1, axis=0):
    Normalizes `data` with a scaled sigmoid function

    data : array_like
        Input data array to be transformed
    low : float, optional
        Lower bound for rescaling. Default: 0
    high : float, optional
        Upper bound for rescaling. Default: 1
    axis : int, optional
        Axis of `data` to be normalized

    normed : array_like
        Normalized input `data`

    sig = _sigmoid(np.asanyarray(data), axis=axis)  # sigmoid transform
    normed = _rescale(sig, low=low, high=high, axis=axis)  # scales data

    return normed

def _rs(data, axis=0):
    Normalizes `data` with a robust sigmoid function

    data : array_like
        Input data array to be transformed
    axis : int, optional
        Axis of `data` to be normalized

    normed : array_like
        Normalized input `data`

    data = np.asanyarray(data)

    # calculate sigmoid normalization
    med = np.median(data, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    iqr = sstats.iqr(data, axis=axis, scale='normal', keepdims=True)
    normed = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(data - med) / iqr))

    return normed

def _srs(data, low=0, high=1, axis=0):
    Normalizes `data` with a scaled robust sigmoid function

    data : array_like
        Input data array to be transformed
    low : float, optional
        Lower bound for rescaling. Default: 0
    high : float, optional
        Upper bound for rescaling. Default: 1
    axis : int, optional
        Axis of `data` to be normalized

    normed : array_like
        Normalized input `data`

    srs = _rs(np.asanyarray(data), axis=axis)  # robust sigmoid transform
    normed = _rescale(srs, low=low, high=high, axis=axis)  # scales data

    return normed

def _scaledsig_qnt(data, low=0, high=1, axis=0):
    Normalizes `data` with capped-quantile scaled sigmoid function

    Caps `data` at 5th and 95th percentiles and then uses `_scaledsig()`

    data : array_like
        Input data array to be transformed
    low : float, optional
        Lower bound for rescaling. Default: 0
    high : float, optional
        Upper bound for rescaling. Default: 1
    axis : int, optional
        Axis of `data` to be normalized

    normed : array_like
        Normalized input `data`

    data = np.asanyarray(data)
    lq, hq = np.percentile(data, [5, 95], axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    mdata =, np.logical_or(data > hq, data < lq))
    normed = np.asarray(_scaledsig(mdata, low=low, high=high, axis=axis))

    return normed

def _mixedsig(data, low=0, high=1, axis=0):
    Uses `_scaledsig()` if IQR is 0; otherwise, uses `_srs()`

    data : array_like
        Input data array to be transformed
    low : float, optional
        Lower bound for rescaling. Default: 0
    high : float, optional
        Upper bound for rescaling. Default: 1
    axis : int, optional
        Axis of `data` to be normalized

    normed : array_like
        Normalized input `data`

    data = np.asanyarray(data)

    iqr = sstats.iqr(data, axis=axis, scale='normal')
    mask = iqr == 0

    normed = np.zeros_like(data)
    normed[:, mask] = _scaledsig(data[:, mask])
    normed[:, ~mask] = _srs(data[:, ~mask])

    # constant columns set to 0
    return np.nan_to_num(normed)

    sig=functools.partial(_sigmoid, axis=0),
    scaled_sig=functools.partial(_scaledsig, low=0, high=1, axis=0),
    scaled_sig_qnt=functools.partial(_scaledsig_qnt, low=0, high=1, axis=0),
    mixed_sig=functools.partial(_mixedsig, low=0, high=1, axis=0),
    rs=functools.partial(_rs, axis=0),
    srs=functools.partial(_srs, low=0, high=1, axis=0),
    center=lambda x: x - x.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True),
    zscore=functools.partial(sstats.zscore, axis=0, ddof=1),
    minmax=functools.partial(_rescale, low=0, high=1, axis=0)
# aliases
for alias, orig in [('demean', 'center'),
                    ('rsig', 'rs'),
                    ('robust_sigmoid', 'rs'),
                    ('scaled_rsig', 'srs'),
                    ('scaled_robust_sigmoid', 'srs'),
                    ('sigmoid', 'sig'),
                    ('scaled_sigmoid', 'scaled_sig'),
                    ('scaled_sigmoid_quantiles', 'scaled_sig_qnt'),
                    ('mixed_sigmoid', 'mixed_sig')]:

[docs]def normalize_expression(expression, norm='srs', structures=None, ignore_warn=False): """ Performs normalization on `expression` data Parameters ---------- expression : list of (S, G) pandas.DataFrame Microarray expression data to be normalized, where `S` is samples (or regions) and `G` is genes norm : str, optional Function with which to normalize expression data. See Notes for more information on options. Default: 'scaled_robust_sigmoid' structures : list of (S,) pandas.DataFrame Structural designations of `S` samples (or regions) in `expression`. Index of provided data frames should be identical to `expression` and must have at least column 'structure'. If provided, normalization will be performed separately for each distinct structural class. Default: None ignore_warn : bool, optional Whether to suppress potential warnings raised by normalization. Default: False Returns ------- normalized : list of (S, G) pandas.DataFrame Data from `expression` normalized separately for each gene Notes ----- The following methods can be used for normalizing gene expression values for each donor (adapted from [PC2]_): 1. ``norm='center'`` Removes the mean of data in each column. Aliased to 'demean' 2. ``norm='zscore'`` Applies a basic z-score (subtract mean, divide by standard deviation) to each column; uses degrees of freedom equal to one for standard deviation 3. ``norm='minmax'`` Scales data in each column to the unit normal (i.e., range 0-1) 4. ``norm='sigmoid'`` Applies a sigmoidal transform function to normalize data in each column. Aliased to 'sig' 5. ``norm='scaled_sigmoid'`` Combines 'sigmoid' and 'minmax'. Aliased to 'scaled_sig' 6. ``norm='scaled_sigmoid_quantiles'`` Caps input data at the 5th and 95th percentiles before performing the 'scaled_sigmoid' transform. Aliased to 'scaled_sig_qnt' 7. ``norm='robust_sigmoid'`` Uses a robust sigmoid function ([PC1]_) to normalize data in each column. Aliased to 'rs' and 'rsig' 8. ``norm='scaled_robust_sigmoid'`` Combines 'robust_sigmoid' and 'minmax'. Aliased to 'srs' and 'scaled_rsig' 9. ``norm='mixed_sigmoid'`` Uses 'scaled_sigmoid' transform for columns where the IQR is 0; otherwise, uses the 'scaled_robust_sigmoid' transform. Aliased to 'mixed_sig' 10. ``norm='batch'`` Uses a linear model to remove donor effects from data. Differs from other methods in that all donors are simultaneously fit to the same model and data are residualized based on estimated betas. Linear model includes the intercept but it is not removed during residualization References ---------- .. [PC1] Fulcher, B. D., & Fornito, A. (2016). A transcriptional signature of hub connectivity in the mouse connectome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(5), 1435-1440. .. [PC2] Fulcher, B. D., Little, M. A., & Jones, N. S. (2013). Highly comparative time-series analysis: the empirical structure of time series and their methods. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10(83), 20130048 """ try: normfunc = NORMALIZATION_METHODS[norm] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Provided value for `norm` not recognized. Must be ' f'one of {list(NORMALIZATION_METHODS)}. Received: ' f'{norm}') kwargs = dict(all='ignore') if ignore_warn else {} # FIXME: I hate having to do this... if isinstance(expression, pd.DataFrame): expression = [expression] if structures is not None: if isinstance(structures, pd.DataFrame): structures = [structures] if any(len(s) != len(e) for s, e in zip(structures, expression)): raise ValueError('Length of `structures` class designations ' 'differs from provided `expression`.') else: structures = [ pd.DataFrame(dict(structure='same'), index=exp.index) for exp in expression ] if norm == 'batch': corrected = _batch_correct(expression) normexp = [] for n, exp in enumerate(expression): normalized = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, columns=exp.columns, index=exp.index) notna = np.logical_not(exp.isna().all(axis=1)) gb = structures[n].groupby('structure') for grp, samples in gb.groups.items(): idx = samples[np.asarray(notna.loc[samples])] data = np.asarray(exp.loc[idx]) # normalize the data (however was specified) with np.errstate(**kwargs): normed = normfunc(data) if norm != 'batch' else corrected[n] normalized.loc[idx] = normed normexp.append(normalized) return _unpack_tuple(normexp)
[docs]def remove_distance(coexpression, atlas, atlas_info=None, labels=None): """ Corrects for distance-dependent correlation effects in `coexpression` Regresses Euclidean distance between regions in `atlas` from correlated gene expression array `coexpression`. If `atlas_info` is provided different connection types (e.g., cortex-cortex, cortex-subcortex, subcortex- subcortex) will be residualized independently. Parameters ---------- coexpression : (R x R) array_like Correlated gene expression array, where `R` is the number of regions, as generated with e.g., `numpy.corrcoef(expression)`. atlas : niimg-like object A parcellation image in MNI space, where each parcel is identified by a unique integer ID atlas_info : str or pandas.DataFrame, optional Filepath to or pre-loaded dataframe containing information about `atlas`. Must have at least columns 'id', 'hemisphere', and 'structure' containing information mapping atlas IDs to hemisphere (i.e, "L", "R") and broad structural class (i.e., "cortex", "subcortex", "cerebellum"). Default: None labels : (N,) array_like, optional If only a subset `N` of the ROIs in `atlas` were used to generate the `coexpression` array this array should specify which to consider. Not specifying this may cause a ValueError if `atlas` and `atlas_info` do not match. Default: None Returns ------- residualized : (R, R) numpy.ndarray Provided `coexpression` data residualized against spatial distance between region pairs """ atlas = images.check_atlas(atlas) # check atlas + coexpression make sense if labels is None: labels = atlas.labels if len(labels) != len(coexpression): raise ValueError(f'Provided IDs for {labels.shape} parcels are a ' 'different length than provided coexpression matrix ' f'of size {coexpression.shape}. Please confirm ' 'inputs and try again.') # load atlas_info, if provided if atlas_info is not None: atlas_info = images.check_atlas_info(atlas_info, labels) # check that provided coexpression array is symmetric if not np.allclose(coexpression, coexpression.T, atol=1e-10): raise ValueError('Provided coexpression matrix is not symmetric') # we'll do basic Euclidean distance correction for now # TODO: implement gray matter volume / cortical surface path distance if labels is None: labels = atlas.labels centroids = np.row_stack([atlas.centroids[lab] for lab in labels]) dist = cdist(centroids, centroids, metric='euclidean') corr_resid = np.zeros_like(coexpression) triu_inds = np.triu_indices_from(coexpression, k=1) # if no atlas_info, just residualize all correlations against distance if atlas_info is None: corr_resid[triu_inds] = _resid_dist(coexpression[triu_inds], dist[triu_inds]) # otherwise, we can residualize the different connection types separately else: triu_inds = np.ravel_multi_index(triu_inds, corr_resid.shape) coexpression, dist = coexpression.ravel(), dist.ravel() types = ['cortex', 'subcortex'] for src, tar in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(types, 2): # get indices of sources and targets sources = np.where(atlas_info.structure == src)[0] targets = np.where(atlas_info.structure == tar)[0] inds = np.ravel_multi_index(np.ix_(sources, targets), corr_resid.shape) if src != tar: # e.g., cortex + subcortex rev = np.ravel_multi_index(np.ix_(targets, sources), corr_resid.shape) inds = np.append(inds.ravel(), rev.ravel()) # find intersection of source / target indices + upper triangle inds = np.intersect1d(triu_inds, inds) back = np.unravel_index(inds, corr_resid.shape) # residualize corr_resid[back] = _resid_dist(coexpression[inds], dist[inds]) corr_resid = (corr_resid + corr_resid.T + np.eye(len(corr_resid))) return corr_resid
def _resid_dist(dv, iv): """ Calculates residuals of `dv` after controlling for `iv` Parameters ---------- dv : array_like Dependent variable iv : array_like Independent variable; removed from `dv` Returns ------- residuals : array_like Residuals of `dv` after controlling for `iv` """ dv = dv.squeeze() distance = np.column_stack((iv, np.ones_like(iv))) betas, *rest = np.linalg.lstsq(distance, dv, rcond=None) residuals = dv - (distance @ betas) return residuals.squeeze()
[docs]def keep_stable_genes(expression, threshold=0.9, percentile=True, rank=True, return_stability=False): """ Removes genes in `expression` with differential stability < `threshold` Calculates the similarity of gene expression across brain regions for every pair of donors in `expression`. Similarity is averaged across donor pairs and genes whose mean similarity falls below `threshold` are removed. Parameters ---------- expression : list of (R, G) pandas.DataFrame Where each entry is the microarray expression of `R` regions across `G` genes for a given donor threshold : [0, 1] float, optional Minimum required average similarity (e.g, correlation) across donors for a gene to be retained. Default: 0.1 percentile : bool, optional Whether to treat `threshold` as a percentile instead of an absolute cutoff. For example, `threshold=0.9` and `percentile=True` would retain only those genes with a differential stability in the top 10% of all genes, whereas `percentile=False` would retain only those genes with differential stability > 0.9. Default: True rank : bool, optional Whether to calculate similarity as Spearman correlation instead of Pearson correlation. Default: True return_stability : bool, optional Whether to return stability estimates for each gene in addition to expression data. Default: False Returns ------- expression : list of (R, Gr) pandas.DataFrame Microarray expression for `R` regions across `Gr` genes, where `Gr` is the number of retained genes stability : (G,) numpy.ndarray Stability (average correlation) of each gene across pairs of donors. Only returned if ``return_stability=True`` """ # get number of donors and number of genes num_subj = len(expression) num_gene = expression[0].shape[-1] # rank data, if necessary for_corr = expression if not rank else [e.rank() for e in expression] # get correlation of gene expression across regions for all donor pairs gene_corrs = np.zeros((num_gene, sum(range(num_subj)))) for n, (s1, s2) in enumerate(itertools.combinations(range(num_subj), 2)): regions = np.intersect1d(for_corr[s1].dropna(axis=0, how='all').index, for_corr[s2].dropna(axis=0, how='all').index) gene_corrs[:, n] = utils.efficient_corr(for_corr[s1].loc[regions], for_corr[s2].loc[regions]) # average similarity across donors (ignore NaNs) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message='Mean of empty slice') gene_corrs = np.nan_to_num(np.nanmean(gene_corrs, axis=1)) # calculate absolute threshold if percentile is desired if percentile: threshold = np.percentile(gene_corrs, threshold * 100) keep_genes = gene_corrs >= threshold expression = [e.iloc[:, keep_genes] for e in expression] if return_stability: return expression, gene_corrs return expression