Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to fetch (and load) mouse gene and structure lists from Allen API

import os.path as op
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import pandas as pd

from .utils import _make_api_query
from ..datasets import _get_dataset_dir

[docs]def fetch_allenref_genes(entry_type=None, cache=True, data_dir=None, verbose=True): """ Loads all genes from Allen Reference database Parameters ---------- entry_type: {'id', 'acronym', 'name'}, optional The type of gene identifier to load. Specifying 'id' returns a list of numerical gene IDs, 'acronym' returns a list of short-form gene acronyms, and 'name' returns full gene names. If not specified, returns a dataframe with all information. Default: None cache : bool, optional Whether to use cached gene information (if it exists). Setting to False will overwrite cache. Default: True data_dir : str, optional Directory where data should be downloaded and unpacked. Default: $HOME/ abagen-data verbose : bool, optional Whether to print status message. Default: True Returns ------- genes : list or :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Genes in Allen Reference database Notes ----- May require internet access to make query to the Allen API (which will take some time); after query is made once the results are cached. """ # check that provided entry_type is valid entries = ['id', 'acronym', 'name'] if entry_type is not None and entry_type not in entries: raise ValueError('Provided entry_type {} is not valid. Specified ' 'entry_type must be one of {}.' .format(entry_type, entries)) # if file doesn't exist or we want to overwrite the cache for some reason # download the data from the Allen API fname = op.join(_get_dataset_dir('allenmouse', data_dir=data_dir, verbose=verbose), 'reference_genes.csv') if not op.isfile(fname) or not cache: if verbose: print('Gene information not available locally; querying ' 'Allen API for information. This may take some time...') out = _make_api_query('Gene', criteria='products[id$eq1]', attributes=entries, suffix='num_rows=all') genes = pd.DataFrame(out) # sort entries by gene ID genes = genes.sort_values('id').reset_index(drop=True) # save information to disk genes.to_csv(fname, index=False) else: genes = pd.read_csv(fname)[entries] # extract only relevant entry_type, if desired if entry_type is not None: genes = genes[entry_type].tolist() return genes
[docs]def fetch_allenref_structures(entry_type=None, cache=True, data_dir=None, verbose=True): """ Loads all anatomical structures in the Allen Reference Atlas Parameters ---------- entry_type: {'id', 'acronym', 'name'}, optional The type of structural identifier to load. Specifying 'id' returns a list of numerical structure IDs, 'acronym' returns a list of short-form structure acronyms, and 'name' returns full structure names. If not specified, returns a dataframe with all information. Default: None cache : bool, optional Whether to use cached structure information (if it exists). Setting to False will overwrite cache. Default: True data_dir : str, optional Directory where data should be downloaded and unpacked. Default: $HOME/ abagen-data verbose : bool, optional Whether to print status message. Default: True Returns ------- structures : list or :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Anatomical structures in Allen Reference Atlas Notes ----- May require internet access to make query to the Allen API (which will take some time); after query is made once the results are cached. """ entries = ['id', 'acronym', 'name'] if entry_type is not None and entry_type not in entries: raise ValueError('Provided entry_type {} is not valid. Specified ' 'entry_type must be one of {}.' .format(entry_type, entries)) fname = op.join(_get_dataset_dir('allenmouse', data_dir=data_dir, verbose=verbose), 'reference_atlas.csv') if not op.isfile(fname) or not cache: if verbose: print('Structure information not available locally; querying ' 'Allen API for information...') out = _make_api_query('Structure', criteria='ontology[id$eq1]', attributes=entries, suffix='num_rows=all') structures = pd.DataFrame(out) # sort entries by structure ID structures = structures.sort_values('id').reset_index(drop=True) # save information to disk structures.to_csv(fname, index=False) else: structures = pd.read_csv(fname)[entries] # extract only relevant entry_type, if desired if entry_type is not None: structures = structures[entry_type].tolist() return structures
[docs]def fetch_rubinov2015_structures(entry_type=None): """ Loads subset of anatomical structures in Allen Reference Atlas from [MI1]_ Parameters ---------- entry_type: {'id', 'acronym', 'name'}, optional The type of structural identifier to load. Specifying 'id' returns a list of numerical structure IDs, 'acronym' returns a list of short-form structure acronyms, and 'name' returns full structure names. If not specified, returns a dataframe with all information. Default: None Returns ------- structures : list or :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Anatomical structures in Allen Reference Atlas from [MI1]_ References ---------- .. [MI1] Rubinov, M., Ypma, R. J., Watson, C., & Bullmore, E. T. (2015). Wiring cost and topological participation of the mouse brain connectome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(32), 10032-10037. """ entries = ['id', 'acronym', 'name'] if entry_type is not None and entry_type not in entries: raise ValueError('Provided entry_type {} is not valid. Specified ' 'entry_type must be one of {}.' .format(entry_type, entries)) fname = resource_filename('abagen', 'data/rubinov2015_pnas.csv.gz') structures = pd.read_csv(fname)[entries] if entry_type is not None: structures = structures[entry_type].tolist() return structures